Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Honey Lemon Jelly

This is what was going on while the Superbowl was on: a small batch of honey, lemon jelly. I came to this inspiration through our local NPR station which hosts a panel of local gardeners once a week who take listener calls about gardening. One woman, Willi Galloway has a blog which she referenced during one call and I went to take a look. The entry for the day was this recipe for Honey, Lemon Jelly. She is one of the food writers participaing in the Tigress Can Jam. Each month there is a fruit or veggie to can and food writers from around the country can that fruit or veggie and share their recipes. January was citrus. February is carrots (not liking that idea much). In the spirit of adventure I thought I would follow along and try one recipe from the Tigress Can Jam, round-up each month (though I might really skip carrots). This month the honey lemon jelly was the one I wanted to try, not only because it sounded very good but it was a small batch. Took about 45 minutes and very little clean-up.  

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