Monday, June 8, 2009

Afternoon at the Zoo

A short visit to the zoo with Dad. Having a membership and relatively easy access makes the zoo such a no-brainer destination for us. They were gone for a couple of hours. M and I stayed home. What did I do with my time besides feed M and keep her little crawling self out of trouble? Make dinner - of course! Which was a little more time consuming than I 'd would have liked to be. But it was yummy. Steak, salad, biscuits and rhubarb crisp.
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  1. We would have liked to have been at your house for dinner - yum.

  2. hilarious photos. i love the one of cormac on the komodo dragon. i made a raspberry rhubarb crisp tonight which seems to be tastier than those made with strawberries. i recommend it.
